A Proven Criminal Defense Team

Denver Internet Sex Crime Lawyer

Your Life Is At Stake If You Face Internet Sex Charges

If you have been charged with an internet sex crime, then you know that there is much more to your story than meets the eye. Unfortunately, the criminal justice system often seems to ignore the rule of innocent until proven guilty. In Colorado, it is possible to receive a life sentence for an internet sex crime without ever physically touching someone.

When so much is at stake, the lawyer you hire matters. You can trust your future to our team at Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C.. For more than 14 years, our criminal defense attorneys have steadfastly protected the rights of people accused of sex crimes of all varieties.

What To Know About Internet Sex Crime Law In Colorado

We have provided some information that you should know about online sexual offenses in our state. Below, you can read some of our clients’ frequently asked questions and our attorneys’ responses.

What is a cyber crime?

Cybercrime is an umbrella term. It refers to criminal activities that involve a computer and a network. The computer may be used in the commission of a crime or it may be the target. Some cybercrimes are illegal activities that are conducted through online mediums. Others are new types of crimes that have emerged with the advent of the internet and digital technologies.

What are examples of cybercrimes?

Cybercrime is a growing concern globally as our reliance on technology increases. It includes a broad spectrum of activities that are criminal in nature and use electronic operations to occur. Many people associate cybercrime with the financial sector or sex offenses. These are two common categories of cybercrimes, but there are many others. Some examples of common cybercrimes include:

Here are some examples of common cybercrimes:

  • Phishing: Sending fraudulent emails to steal sensitive data such as credit card numbers.
  • Malware: Viruses, worms, Trojan horses and ransomware designed to harm or take unauthorized control of a computer.
  • Identity theft: Using another person’s personal data through fraud or deception, typically for economic gain.
  • Cyberstalking: Stalking or harassing an individual, a group or organization through the internet.
  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks: Overwhelming a system’s resources by flooding it with excessive requests to render the system unusable.
  • Data breaches: Unauthorized access of sensitive information, typically to gain unlawful advantage.
  • Illegal content distribution: Sharing copyrighted materials without authorization, distribution of child pornography, and trafficking in illegal substances or goods.

These are just a few examples of the many types of cybercrimes that exist. Nearly any individual, company or government agency could fall victim to crime online.

What is the sexual exploitation of a child?

The term “child pornography” is considered outdated, as it implies that the victim consented to participate in a sex act. Instead, the law now refers to this crime as the sexual exploitation of a child. It refers to the possession, manufacture or online distribution of explicit content involving a minor.

What does internet sexual exploitation of a child mean?

A similar offense is internet sexual exploitation of a child. This is when someone uses the internet to commit the sexual exploitation of a child – for instance, exchanging explicit photographs with a minor over social media.

What is entrapment?

Entrapment occurs when a law enforcement officer lures you into inadvertently committing a crime that you otherwise would not have committed. One common example is a police officer posing as a minor and flirting with someone in a chat room. Our sex crime defense lawyers often see well-intentioned people tricked into committing an incriminating act through unscrupulous police tactics, such as entrapment.

Act Quickly And Protect Your Future – Contact A Sex Crimes Lawyer Today

The longer you wait to hire a law firm, the more time the state has to gather evidence against you. At Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., our attorneys will fight your charges with everything they have. To schedule an initial consultation, please call us at 720-407-2582 or send us an email.