A Proven Criminal Defense Team

Denver DUI Lawyers

Our Lawyers Take on DUI Charges Across Colorado

Our Denver DUI lawyers aggressively defend drunk driving cases. The laws and penalties are tough and the stakes are high for people who receive DUI charges and convictions. At Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., our award-winning attorneys know how to confront these challenges and are prepared to defend you with zeal.

What Does It Mean To Drive Under The Influence?

According to Colorado Revised Statute, CRS 42-4-1301, driving under the influence of alcohol means operating a motor vehicle when you have consumed alcohol to a degree where you are substantially incapable – either mentally, physically or both – of exercising clear judgment, sufficient physical control or due care in the safe operation of a vehicle.

In Colorado, the legal limit is 0.08% for driving under the influence of alcohol. Drivers who choose to take a blood or breath test and register a BAC result above 0.08% will be charged with driving under the influence.


I was charged with a DUI in Adams County and officials are trying to take away my driver’s license. Can they do that?

The short answer is yes: The Colorado Department of Revenue (DOR) will try to penalize you by way of administrative proceedings and hearings. Simply put, they will try to take away your Colorado driver’s license. You should consider hiring an experienced DUI attorney to fight this administratively at the DMV with a hearing. This is called an express consent hearing. If you have a BAC greater than 0.08% and are a first-time offender, you face a mandatory minimum license suspension of nine months.

However, CRS 42-2-126 allows for first-time offenders to apply for a restricted license after 30 days of revocation. If it is your second DUI, the driver’s license suspension penalties only increase. For example, CRS 42-2-126 states that a second-time offender will lose their license for one full year. For a third or subsequent offense, you will face three years of license revocation.

Remember, a DUI conviction is considered a “habitual traffic” strike on your driving record. If you receive three strikes over a seven-year period, you can lose your license for five years.

I have dealt with my driver’s license issues, but now I must go to court. What can I expect?

The second step of your DUI defense in Colorado will be combating your charges within the criminal courts. Beginning in 2010, the Colorado DUI law changed in a very big way. Offenses committed after the 2010 effective date face stiffer penalties. These stiffer mandatory penalties removed the ability for judges to use some discretion in the sentencing of multiple offenders. First-time offenders face between five days and one year in jail.

Fortunately, the five days in jail are not mandatory for a first-time offender. A second DUI conviction in Colorado results in a mandatory minimum of 10 days in jail and a maximum sentence of up to one year in the county jail. A third or subsequent offense will result in a mandatory minimum of 60 days in jail, up to a potential maximum of one year in the county jail. The mandatory minimum on a third or subsequent offense may not be served on in-home detention (ankle monitor). These are serious penalties and demand serious representation. Call us today to discuss your DUI case.

Should I submit to a Breathalyzer test?

Due to Colorado’s “express consent” laws, refusing to give consent to having your alcohol level tested will result in the suspension of your driver’s license for one year. You can fight the suspension at a hearing, where it is crucial to have an experienced attorney representing you.

What are the consequences of underage DUI?

There are financial consequences, such as fines and the potential for a suspended driver’s license, but the collateral consequences are particularly problematic for young people. Having an underage DUI conviction could bar you from receiving financial aid for college or even cause trouble with college admissions. You have your whole life ahead of you, and we will fight to make sure it is not prematurely derailed.

What if a DUI isn’t the first?

Colorado’s DUI laws have gotten progressively tougher over the years. Each subsequent DUI comes with tougher penalties, working up to the extremely harsh consequences of a fourth DUI:

  • A felony criminal record
  • Up to six years in prison
  • Fines as great as $500,000

To minimize the damage from felony DUI charges, it is critical to have an experienced defense lawyer looking out for you.

What defines a persistent drunk driver (PDD)?

Colorado law states that you may be declared a persistent drunk driver if one or more of the following is true:

  • You have been convicted of two or more alcohol-related driving violations.
  • You get caught driving under an alcohol-related restraint (DUR-Alc).
  • You have a DUI with a blood alcohol content greater than 0.15% (measured within two hours after driving).
  • You refused to take a chemical test (blood, breath or urine) after being arrested for drunk driving or drugged driving.

The last two conditions can be met on a first offense, meaning that you could be labeled a PDD with no prior offenses.

What are the consequences of a PDD designation?

In Colorado, a PDD designation will result in the revocation of your driver’s license. To get it back, you must meet three requirements:

  • Complete an education and treatment program related to alcohol (which often consists of 12 weeks of group classes totaling about 24 hours of instructional time)
  • Have an ignition interlock device (IID) installed in your car, which will need to stay there for two years or more
  • Fill out a form indicating proof of financial responsibility (sometimes called an SR-22), which proves that you have auto insurance and your policy meets minimum state requirements for coverage

Not only are these requirements a burden on your time, but they can also be expensive to meet.

How can I challenge a PDD status?

You will need to challenge the designation in a DMV administrative hearing (called an express consent hearing), which is separate from your criminal case. The hearing must be requested within seven days of your arrest.

To challenge PDD status, you’ll need to challenge the drunk driving violation that triggered it. When doing so, it is essential that you work with attorneys who know how these cases are prosecuted. We have over 20 years of combined experience, including experience as former prosecutors. We know how the state builds drunk driving cases, and we utilize that knowledge to craft the strongest defense possible in your case.

If I receive DUI charges, is my life as I know it over?

Despite the mandatory sentences imposed under Colorado DUI laws, there is still hope. Not every county court is created equal. Some courts are willing to utilize discretion, whereas other courts may not be willing to be as flexible. A DUI in Denver County Court, for instance, may not be subject to the same sentencing policies as a DUI in Arapahoe County Court. The same applies to other Denver-area courts, such as Adams County Court, Jefferson County Court or even the Douglas County Court. Each different court and district attorney approaches DUI cases in a different manner. Our Denver DUI lawyers know how to handle your case no matter the jurisdiction.

Schedule Your Free Consultation With Our Denver DUI Lawyers

We are experienced DUI attorneys in Denver, Colorado and we will fight your DUI aggressively. Call us 24/7 for a free DUI consultation at 720-407-2582 or contact us online. Our office is located blocks from the Denver County Courthouse, so when you need us, we are there for you!