Over 10,000 Criminal Cases Handled in the Denver Area

Failure to Register as a Sex Offender Is a Critical Mistake

There are many types of crimes that require a person to have to register as a sex offender in Colorado. If you fail to register, you may be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony, but either way, you will be facing harsh criminal penalties and possibly more sex offender probation. To protect your rights, make sure you have the right criminal defense lawyers on your side.

Failure to Register as a Sex Offender

At Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., we have defended many failure to register as a sex offender cases and know what it takes to get through to the district attorney.

The following is a list of just some of the crimes that require you to register as a sex offender in Colorado:

The list goes on and on and the requirements only get harsher every year and after each legislative session.

What Does Registering as a Sex Offender Mean to You?

In general, sex offender registration requirements mandate that a previous offender register either annually (every year) or quarterly (every three months or 90 days). The registration requirement must be completed in person, and if you have already registered this year and you decide to move residences, you have to register again immediately. If a sex offender has multiple residences, then the offender must register in all the jurisdictions and counties that he or she is domiciled and if ordered to, must even register emails, instant messaging identity, or chat room identities to ensure compliance.

How Can I Be Charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender?

About the only thing relatively simple regarding sex offender registration laws is that if you were charged and convicted of a felony, then you will be charged with class 6 felony (F6) failure to register. And if it is your second time being charged, then it drops down to a class 5 felony (F5) and your exposure to prison goes up to six years. If you were convicted of a misdemeanor sex crime (such as misdemeanor unlawful sexual contact: CRS 18-3-304 or misdemeanor indecent exposure: CRS 18-3-702) that requires you to register as a sex offender, then you will be charged with the misdemeanor version of failure to register as a sex offender. Misdemeanor failure to register as a sex offender is a class 1 (M1) crime in Colorado. It carries all the same brutal punishments that your original sex offense conviction carried, including up to years in county jail and multiple years on sex offender probation again.

Can the Police Come to My House if I Fail to Register as a Sex Offender?

It is important to note that often law enforcement personnel will just stop by your home randomly hoping to find that you have moved out and never remembered to re-register. Countless times the qualified Denver sex assault defense attorneys at Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., have defended cases where police practically camped outside a residence hoping to prove that since our client did not come home at night once or twice that they have proof that he must not live there any longer. Other times, we have seen Denver police arrest homeless people claiming that they failed to register as a sex offender when the police full well knew the poor client had no home to register.

As sex assault attorneys, we have defended cases where police cornered our clients’ girlfriend trying to get her to admit that our client spends most of his nights at her house and since he had not registered her address that he was in violation of failure to register as a sex offender in Arapahoe.

Contact Us Today to Protect Your Freedom

The burdens are endless and the punishments worse. If you are being charged with failure to register as a sex offender, or are being questioned about sex offender issues by law enforcement, know your rights, say nothing to them, and contact the attorneys at Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C.

We are the sex assault experts and can help you successfully defend your rights and solve your sex crime case. Email us or call Shazam today at 720-407-2582.